Application of Cost-Effective Sterilization to Cause Environmental Pollution


The exploration, production, and environmental biotechnology of petroleum are all topics covered in the Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology. Petroleum exploration and production involves extracting hydrocarbons from the earth's underground reservoirs with the aid of several different disciplines, including petroleum geology, drilling, reservoir simulation, reservoir engineering, completions, and oil and gas facilities engineering. Crude oil or natural gas are two of the available forms of the hydrocarbons that were generated. Environmental engineering is a method for integrating science and engineering that can be used to enhance the quality of the environment, including the air, water, and land.

.Methods for regulating and disinfecting

Numerous studies have been performed on sterilisation and disinfection of pollutants and microorganisms in order to address environmental contamination, a crucial issue for public health and economics. Hazardous substances and contaminants that are released into the environment and enter the human body through inhalation, adsorption, or ingestion include microorganisms and dangerous gases. Human death rates are raised by a number of respiratory ailments, strokes, lung cancers, and cardiac diseases associated to these pollutants. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce environmental contamination by using efficient, life-saving sterilisation and disinfection techniques. For disinfection and sterilisation, a variety of traditional physical and chemical techniques are used. These techniques include dry and wet heat, radiation, filtration, ethylene oxide, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and others. We summarised both contemporary and historical approaches to sterilisation and disinfection in this paper, along with their desired effects and practical uses. In this study, the relative benefits and drawbacks of the two methods are explored.

 Joint sterilisation and disinfection technologies have emerged as a more effective invention for preserving both indoor and outdoor settings, despite the effective answer offered by modern sterilisation and disinfection technology. Decellularization is the removal of the cellular components from organs or tissue to produce an extracellular matrix, a structural template that can be applied in tissue engineering. The cells can be decellularized using chemical, enzymatic, physical, or a combination of these techniques. A medical gadget must be sterile and hemocompatible before it can come into contact with blood. Some of the numerous sterilising techniques include gamma radiation, freeze-drying, ethylene oxide, peracetic acid, antibiotics, and ethanol. The decellularization, sterilisation, and hemo compatibility of xenogeneic pericardium for tissue engineering applications are the three main topics of this study. The most modern decellularization techniques, including the chemical approach, the chemical and enzymatic method, and the physical and chemical method, are briefly reviewed in this paper. On pericardium scaffolds, the effectiveness of the various sterilisation techniques and the post-sterilization findings from various research groups are discussed. The in vitro hemocompatibility testing for xenogeneic biomaterials are also included in this study, including tests for hemolysis, platelet adhesion, the coagulation system, and leucocyte activation.